Top Hog Hunting Tips

Top Hog Hunting Tips


A picture containing ground, mammal, outdoor, swine

The feral hog population is increasing at a rapid rate across the United States. They are a non-native, aggressive species that breeds quickly and poses a threat to native wildlife and crops. Feral hogs need to be hunted at a greater rate in order to further prevent the spread of the species.

Hog hunting can be an extremely dangerous sport, even for professional hunters. This is because feral hogs can be very aggressive. Following these tips and tricks can help to ensure a safe and successful trip for your next hog hunt.

Hog Tracking

Feral hogs can be quite difficult to track. Use these signs to properly track a feral hog.

  • Look for uprooted soil.

Hogs utilize their snouts to dig through vegetation and find food in the area. Any freshly uprooted soil is the number one sign that a hog is nearby.

  • Be on the watch for signs of wallowing.

Feral hogs like to dig up land near ponds, creeks, lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. They like to wallow in the wet dirt and mud to cool themselves down and prevent overheating during the warm, summer months. Wallowing is another key indication in tracking a feral hog.

  • Know their hooves.

The tracks of feral hogs resemble a deer track, but they are wider and much rounder. If you notice any fresh tracks, it is a good sign that you are close to finding a hog.


A picture containing grass, outdoor, mammal, field

Feral hogs are notoriously hostile and known for their violent nature. Using a call of one of their predators is an extremely effective strategy to getting a feral hog to come out of hiding and out into the open.

Calls to a hog should be used in short bursts from a downwind position. Feral hogs typically respond quickly and will remove themselves from cover in a hurry.

Keep in mind that the hog will be charging in this situation, so you will want to keep a safe, secure distance from the hog with this method.

Instead of utilizing predatory calls, you can also use the sound of piglets in distress to lure out a feral hog. Sows are extremely protective and can easily be drawn into the open if they believe their offspring are in danger.

Hog Hunting Products at

Hogs are not a natively nocturnal animal, but many hogs have adapted to the increasing hog hunting by becoming nocturnal. This means that the best time to hunt hogs is often during the evening hours when they are feeding at night.

Specialized hunting equipment at, like these hog hunting lights, can be used alongside a feeder to simplify the process and make hog hunting at night much easier.

Our website offers a wide array of hog hunting products, including safety gear, bait and more. Items like the Quickclot Trauma Pak can be carried with you in case of emergency. There are even specialized products for hog hunting with dogs, like the Nite Lite Premium Hog Bay Dog Cut Vest. This safety vest is designed to protect your dog’s neck and rib cage area.

Our staff and team of experts at are always free to answer any questions you have on hog hunting. Feel free to email or call toll-free at 1-800-648-5483 with any hog-hunting inquiries.

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